Yeah, I'm job shopping. I told you the current job has been eating my ass for a few weeks, and it is very true. My current contract expires at the end of January and it does not appear that it will be renewed beyond that time.
So, I'm doing a couple of things. First, I'm finally going to apply for Veterans Disability. I should have done this back in 1999 when I was separating out of the Air Force. But I never did then and I haven't done so since. But for a number of reasons, most importantly, improved hiring possibilities with the Civil Service, I need to get it done. Second, I'm going to spend my evenings and weekends working on resumes for other, civilian employment.
Tonight I've already applied for the first job. Its a senior maintenance manager/scheduler for a company with a hopefully upcoming government contract. They want somebody with maintenance management experience- hey, I've got 17 years of that, and a Bachelors Degree and hey, I've got that too!
So, its not something I've been looking forward to but it appears that its time for some action.
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